Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A is for Apples, Arbonne, and Acrobats

I am copying off of my good friend Wendy D. Hutcheson and am going to try and blog for 26 consecutive days about things starting with that days letter. Today is day one, letter A.

Lady Alice apples+lime juice=my favorite snack of 2011.

In December of 2010 I began seling Arbonne products. They are 100% natural and I LOVE them. However I am terrible at selling and I mostly just like my discount. :)

Acrobats...that's a starnge thing, no? Recently David and I finished a 6 episode documentary by PBS on Netflix called "Circus". It was excellent! I loved the soundtrack, the layers of each perforemer and crew member and I loved how visually stimulating the cinematography was. All around pretty excellent and I was surprised by how much we enjoyed it.

The circus is not one of my favorite things but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I am astounded by the talent of the acrobats. The flying trapeze has always left me speechless. It looks so simple, easy even and oh so graceful. I wonder what it would be like to fly around weightless like that. David and I are both sad that the series is over and we even sort of want to go see the circus now. Hmmmm....

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