Saturday, April 30, 2011

L is for Lemon, Lakes and Love...

I love most things involving a lemon. I enjoy cooking with them, drinking water with one and love lemon flavored candy: read Starburst's. Mmmmm...

My family has had a place on lake St. Mary's for about 14 years now. We also have always had a family cabin not far from Lake Cumberland in Somerset, KY. I love my time out on the boat. There is nothing more carefree than floating on a lake drinking something cold and listening to some tunes. To me that scenario just says: "Summer is here! RELAX".

Love is in the air today! I am headed to Granville, OH to witness my two dear friends, Aric and Amber, become husband and wife. For most couples the time spent dating and being engaged is one full of much joy and fun. They have had their fair share of that for sure. They have also gone through more pain and tragedy than the average betrothed couple. Life has no guarantees and I don't know what the future will hold for them. I am fairly certain though that what they went through has glued them together in a way that is truly forever. It's an honor and a blessing to be part of a wedding where I feel such utter joy because these two are together. I will be smiling from ear to ear and there is not a doubt in my mind that these two are better together. How refreshing is that? May God richly bless them as they step out onto this new journey.

Friday, April 29, 2011

K is for Krispy Kreme,Kissing and Kate (Windsor, nee Middleton)

Krispy Kreme donuts are excellent. I really enjoy a hot, soft, delicious glazed creme filled donut. That being said, they do not hold a candle to the deliciosity of a donut from Jim's Donut's in the thriving metropolis of Vandalia, Ohio. I am most definitely biased.

Kissing is wonderful isn't it? My 3 favorite people to kiss or be kissed by? Two are no brainers, while one may be surprising...
1.) My husband, David. I don't really get tired of kissing that guy.
2.) Emaline Joy. The sweetest, purest, tenderest kisses I have ever known.
3.) A gentleman who used to be a client of mine who is now a good, good friend. I can't write his name but I can give you his initials: BLC. Each day he would greet me by saying something like "Well hello there my itty-bitty, teeny-tiny, squishy baby pumpkin" and then kiss me on the cheek gor a solid 20 seconds as I wiggled and giggles, grinning from ear to ear. The man smells like he just came out of a warm dryer. So fresh and so clean and SO sweet. He made work fun. I miss his face.

I was one of "those" people who woke up at the crack of dawn to watch the Royal Wedding. I dig that sort of thing. I love the pomp and circumstance, the gorgeous clothes, the fact that in 50 years I will see this on some flashback show and think about this morning. I watched Diana and Charles wed 30 years ago at the breast of my mother as I was not even 24 hours old. My mom tells the story of how it was just she and I in the hospital and I had stirred for a feeding just in time to watch Diana get out of the car. She recalls the moment with fondness and so now when I see pictures from that day nearly 30 years ago I feel all warm inside. This morning was not nearly as special, but I tried. I got up and made myself some tea and sat there in the dark (with a hat on...a Red's cap!) This I will remember. A stolen hour out of a busy day of mothering to indulge in fussy frivolity...wearing one of my "dresses" and a ball cap.

As for the wedding. It was beautiful, albeit a bit of a snooze fest at some points. I LOVED her down. So classy and modern all at once. I was a bit disappointed in the lack of drama from the train, (although Diana's 25-foot train was ludicrous). I was also reminded that I love chamber music. A lot. The whole affair was prim and proper, very demure and like a great peice of eye candy to me. I know it's silly and that all that money could have been better spent though and that dampened my mood. Just thinking about how much it all cost made me feel...not sure how it made me feel. Alas, I enjoyed my morning and I made a memory for certain.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

J is for Jeans, Juxtaposition and J-term...

I hate jeans. There, I said it. Maybe that's not so true now, but it has usually been true in my life. When people talk about wanting to get comfortable by putting on their blue jeans I think to myself "Man, they most lead much more important lives than i do to wear such uncomfortable clothes that jeans feel good." When I want to be comfortable it's sweat all the way! My disdain for jeans is threefold. 1.) It's hard to find a good comfortable fit that are also flattering. 2.) Having been overweight for most of my life I found them to be binding and sort of miserable. 3.) I prefer dresses and skirts. I was born in the wrong time period I suppose.

I think one of my most favorite words in the English language is juxtaposition. I like the way it looks and sounds. Sort of bad ass, no?

When I was a freshman at MVNC in 2000 I experienced my first January term, otherwise known as J-term. It was MISERABLE. Cold, dreary and lonely feeling. I took a basic Psychology class that did not take much time. I was left the rest if the dark days to my own devices. Those devices usually involved eating sweets, watching movies, eating chips, trips to Kenyon, eating ice cream, visiting with friends, and eating at Hunan Garden. I vowed after that first J-term that I would get out of dodge for J-term for every other year of college. I made good on that promise and went to Italy in 2001 and Washington D.C. in 2002. Both radically different and life changing trips for me. In 2003 I stayed back at MVNU because I ahd just returned from a 4 month semester in Romania. I'm glad I was home because I lost a good friend that January and my best friend lost her mother. It was a SHITTY month, to say the least. That year that same best friend, Kelli, and I decided to dub the month of January "Helluary" because, well, January sucks. I still dislike the month in general and I feel like bad stuff usually happens during that month. Someday I will get over it.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I is for Igloo, Icee and Idaho...

I have always wanted to make an igloo. I would settle for going inside one though. During college at MVNU some guys made one but I didn't go in. I wonder why I didn't???

One of my very favorite frozen treats is a cherry Icee. I love the flavor, the texture and how refreshing it is. I DO NOT love the sugar, artificial color and flavor or calories though.

When I was 21 I traveled to Boise, Idaho to visit some old friends that lived out in Nampa, Idaho. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much from the potato state. Man oh man, was I blown out of the water! It was beautiful! There was so much to do. I thoroughly enjoyed wandering through the quaint little neighborhoods with nice shops and bookstores and coffee houses. Boise had such a neat art scene too! Loads of art galleries and museums to look at. The views around the city were breathtaking with snow capped peaks surrounding us. Someday I'd love to go back with my little family.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

H is for Hair, Hot air balloons, and Holocaust

I like my hair. I am really striving to be positive about my body. I have an impressionable young lady in my presence and I want her to hear her mama say good things about herself because I want EJ to think positively in herself too. So, my hair is nice. That's a start!

I have a love for hot air balloons. When I was a kid I lived a few miles from the Dayton airport and each year they had an air show, complete with a hot air balloon launch. My dad would get us up early and get us donuts and chocolate milk and we would chase a balloon or two until they landed. It felt magical. They are so vibrant and graceful as they float gently in the sky. I even got to go up in one when I was 10 and it was such a rush. Someday I'd like to do that again.

Lately I have been reading a lot about the Holocaust. I'm not sure what brought that on. I have always been fascinated at the fact that a mere 65 or so years ago 11 million people were murdered....and the world did nothing. I have always heard survivors and Jewish people talk about how we must never forget, but keep the memory alive. I guess I try and do that by reading and studying about those that survived it. One thing that I had never thought of before was who was killed. Not just names or even faces, but what would those men, women and children have become had they been given their right to live. Would AIDS have a cure? Would I be rocking out to a song by a European Jewish descendant? How many works of art would be showcased in a museum? Were there any great designers, architects, poets, writers, philosophers? The answer is yes, there were. Our world will never be the same and we can't even fathom all the beautiful things we are missing out on. I want to remember what should be.

Monday, April 25, 2011

G is for Gas, Groceries and Gone with the Wind...

It's not a secret that gas prices are through the roof. When I think back on my high school days when I was just learning to drive I can remember gas costing a mere $0.99 a gallon! I feel like and old lady when I say this, but it's true! Just Saturday I pain $3.76 a gallon! Ludicrous! My dad owns a few car dealerships and this has hit him kinda hard. He said that when it hits $4.00 a gallon that's when people will really start getting mad and stop driving. Maybe that's a good thing? I don't know...

I love to go grocery shopping. Let me rephrase that: I love to go grocery shopping without my daughter. I enjoy the process of meal planning, making a list and then going out to get what I need. I find it sort of thrilling. What a nerd! I anticipate when Em and I will take walks to the Pearl Alley farmer's market in just a few short months to do some of our shopping there. Only another month or so! Yay!

My favorite movie is Gone with the Wind. I'm not sure why, it just is. Maybe it's because it is so dramatic. Maybe it's because it was so cutting edge when it was made in 1939. Maybe it's because I have a lot of family who live in south Georgia and you can still see the effects of the cicil war there some 150 years later. I think what I love the most are the characters. Some memorable characters have come out of this epic film and I get lost in them whenever I watch the movie. It's nearly 3.5 hours long and is quite a commitment to watch but I try and manage to do so once a year. It's a tradition and doing so make me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

F is for Freckles, Feet and Freedom...

I think freckles are beautiful.

I think I have kinda cute feet as far as feet go. I also think David has nice (aslbeit LONG) feet. It goes without saying that EJ's feet are perfection. I look forward to the day when we can all wear sandals and expose our rockin feet.

Today is Easter and I feel the need to write about the fact that because He lives I am FREE! I hope to someday understand the magnitude of that but I bet I won't grasp it until I see Jesus' face. I want to live like I'm free...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

E is for Elephants, Easter and Emaline...

In 2002 I had one of the greatest priviliges of my life thus far, I traveled to Kenya, Africa on a mission trip. One the last 2 days of our trip our group got to go on a real-life safari! It was nothing short of stunning. We were riding in a land rover through the wilds looking for animals big and small. We drove into a large open area with few trees and we spotted what looked like hundred's of elephants. They were so breathtakingly beautiful and HUGE and I must have taken 30 pictures of them. Every since then I have sort of had a thing for elephants.

Easter is tomorrow and this year I am really anxiously anticipating celebrating the risen Lord. David and I participated in the stations of the cross at the Village Vineyard Thursday evening. It was powerful, profound, painful and surprisingly peaceful. ( A whole lotta P's to describe the event...) Our dear friends Aaron and Kristina usually put the effort together with a few others and it is now a wonderful Easter tradition in our family. Last night while driving home I turned to David and asked "Can you believe Jesus died for us? That He loves us that much." David replied "It's crazy, isn't it?" It is. I greatly look forward to the celebration tomorrow.

Emaline is now 19 months old and here are a few things I want to remember:
-She is totally enthralled with the plastic alphabet letters that are magnetized and go on the fridge. She has even learned the letter "I" and walks around with the "I" saying it over and over again and points out that letter in words. Genius!
-She is NOT FUN at the table these days. She is suddenly picky. She still eats a variety of things but I never know from one day to the next what she's going to want to eat. Yesterday she wouldn't eat peas, today she will probably love them. I don't get it. She is also SUPER messy because she refuses to eat unless she has her utensils...which is great but messy since she doesn't have a lot of control yet.
-She is taking baby gymnastics and LOVES it! Her favorite part is the trampoline!
-Her coloring is her daddy's, but the rest of her is just like Mama. Our baby pictures are so similar.
-She calls my dad "PawPaw", Betty "NaNaNa", David's mom "Oma", and my mom "Mimi".
-She is obsessed with Silas and calls him "Si". They are adprable together and Elisha and I took them to get their pictures taken Thursday. Precious!
-We got a swing set in our backyard for Em and she loves it. She can climb up all by herself and go down the slide. She calls the whole thing "WEE".
-Her 18 month check-up was last week and she weighs 21lbs. 15 oz and is 31.5 inches long. The doctor said Emaline is right on target developmentally except with her gross motor skills. In that area she's ahead of the curve. Baby girl can walk up and down stairs, climb up anything, runs, and she can manuever herself on unsteady surfaces. She gives her mama a heart attack by the hour.
-She is so full of JOY and we are in love...

Friday, April 22, 2011

D is for Doors, Dolphins and David

We got a new front door as a Christmas gift from my parents, and we love it. It really changed the look of the front of our home for the better!

Dolphins are probably my favorite animal. I think they are beautiful and I hear they're quite smart. When I was about 8 my family took a trip out on a dolphin cruise in Florida and it was stellar! When I saw those dolphins chasing our boat I got so worked up with excitement that I could hardly contain myself. When I see one now I get that same rush of excitement and I feel like that 8 year old girl all over again.

David. I'm in love. In about 3 weeks my man will be turning 29 so in honor of that occasion here are 29 reasons I'm so in love.

1.) We are a good team.
2.) He works so hard for our family.
3.) He has beautiful hands and forearms.
4.) Emaline lights up when he's around. What an amazing Daddy she has.
5.) He loves my family...dysfunction and all.
6.) He thought I was beautiful when I felt invisible.
7.) His servant heart.
8.) A liar he is not!
9.) The way he takes care of our home.
10.) He let's me sleep in every once in awhile.
11.) He takes care of his mother.
12.) He loves the Lord.
13.) He supportive of me.
14.) His family comes first.
15.) He is strong.
16.) He calms me down and balances me out.
17.) His easygoing nature.
18.) The way he thoughtfully considers his options.
19.) He is good at finding a deal.
20.) He loves a good adventure!
21.) The way he holds fast to both his Dutch and Eritrean culture.
22.) The way he is bringing Emaline into the fold of those cultures.
23.) He loves to travel...even if it's only to Dayton for the weekend.
24.) He likes getting together with MVNU alumni almost as much as I do.
25.) He pushes me when I need it and he backs off when I need it.
26.) He speaks softly and kindly.
27.) He loves my clients and they love him back.
28.) He's not afraid to cry.
29.) I just have to say it...he's great in the sack. :)

I HAD to be a little inappropriate! It's Fez I'm describing! Seriously though, I could go on (and on, and on...) about all the ways in which I feel blessed by the man I married. He is a treasure and I just know that in 50 years I'll feel equally as blessed.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

C is for Cesareans, Cee-Lo Green and Chic-Fil-A

I had a cesarean in 2009 and that's how Emaline Joy emerged into the world. While I wish it had gone differently I tread lightly with those thoughts because out of that birth grew education, courage and a change I can't into words. I am thankful for cesareans and I wish they weren't overused.

"F You" by Cee-Lo Green is Emaline's favorite song. It's a tad (or a LOT) inappropriate, but it's so darn catchy and we love it. Baby Girl loves to shake her groove thang. She's so much like her mama...

In the past 7 days we have eaten at Chick-Fil-A 4 times. EMBARRASSING. Here's why:
1.) It's reasonably healthy. Well, it is the way I order it. Grilled chicken sandwich and a side salad for mama, chicken nuggets (not organic but real all white meat chicken) and a fruit cup for Emaline.
2.) They help me with EJ. Yep, they bring me a place mat, refill our drinks (water), bring our food out to us and clean up after the food ends up in the floor.
3.) We got a gift card from EJ's papa (My dad) so it's cheap.
4.) Toddlerhood has brought many eating challenges. It seems that meal time usually involves a huge mess, tears, and a kid that has eaten very little protein. This has not always been an issue with EJ. She loves to eat but in her toddler age she is showing her colors. Not so at Chic-Fila-A! She will sit ther and eat independently for ages and that means mama and daddy eat in peace.

We will stop it soon. I promise. I am still cooking dinner nightly. Can you read in that I have some mommy guilt with this? Something about putting it into writing has made me feel slightly bad about soooo much fast food. SIGH.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

B is for Baths, Blueberries and Birth...

Last January we had our bathroom remodeled and we got a new bathtub. I promptly fell in love with it. Since then there has not been a day when I haven't indulged in a bubble bath.

Blueberries are Emaline's favorite far. She is always saying "Mama, more BWEEEZ!" Yep, she calls them bweez and I think it's adorable. The girls gets her antioxidant's that's for sure!

As of late (the past two years) I have become a sponge for anything and everything about birth. I love reading birth stories, blogs, and websites dedicated to birth. I have seen everything Netflix has to offer on the subject. Anyone and everyone who will listen has heard me talk about birth. Emaline's delivery has only increased my desire to know more. Part of me wants to have another baby just so I can have a reason to talk birth all day long. What a weirdo I am becoming.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


"Sometime symbols are all we have to help us to remember our resolve, to help us remember our most cherished and our darkest days." -Peter Schroeder

A is for Apples, Arbonne, and Acrobats

I am copying off of my good friend Wendy D. Hutcheson and am going to try and blog for 26 consecutive days about things starting with that days letter. Today is day one, letter A.

Lady Alice apples+lime juice=my favorite snack of 2011.

In December of 2010 I began seling Arbonne products. They are 100% natural and I LOVE them. However I am terrible at selling and I mostly just like my discount. :)

Acrobats...that's a starnge thing, no? Recently David and I finished a 6 episode documentary by PBS on Netflix called "Circus". It was excellent! I loved the soundtrack, the layers of each perforemer and crew member and I loved how visually stimulating the cinematography was. All around pretty excellent and I was surprised by how much we enjoyed it.

The circus is not one of my favorite things but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I am astounded by the talent of the acrobats. The flying trapeze has always left me speechless. It looks so simple, easy even and oh so graceful. I wonder what it would be like to fly around weightless like that. David and I are both sad that the series is over and we even sort of want to go see the circus now. Hmmmm....

Saturday, April 9, 2011


My body is just plain old worn out. Tomorrow morning David will be running the CBUS 10 miler without me. My body is just screaming at me to slow down or else it may just stop cooperating. Logically I understand why I need to bow out tomorrow, but I won't lie, it hurts. I trained hard and worked for this and I can't do it. David reminded me that I have nothing to prove to myself or anyone. 10 miles is 3 less than what I did in October and I can stand behind that. Still...

I have been apprehensive to write about the struggles I am having as I learn to deal with how hard it has been for my mind to catch up to my body. Body image is still a struggle and I always figured it wouldn't be once I was at my goal weight. WRONG. What would lead me to believe such a thing? Women (and men) of all sizes and shapes struggle with this so what makes me think a "magic number" would change that for me?

My challenge right now is this: I need to sit in this. I need to come to terms with what I have done to my body (in a very poitive but challenging kind of way). Most importantly I need to bask in the assurance, abundance and mercy of God and his love for me and remember that it's always been there.

I feel like I don't know who I am anymore. That both exhilarates and terrifies me. I am SO different and most of those changes are not physical. I am having learning where I fit. God is drawing me out of the season of weight loss and into new territory. My tendency is to want a new goal, a challenge. Yet right now I keep being told to just sit, just be. Huh? How do I do that?