Thursday, October 6, 2011

This pregnancy in contrast to the one that resulted in Emaline...

This pregnancy could not be more different, and I want to document it here.

Sickness: With Emaline I felt pretty great and never really experienced "morning sickness", but I was fatigued in a major way. This time? I threw up multiple times a day from weeks 7 to roughly 13. WORTH IT.

My health: Last time I was diagnose with GD at 10 weeks and had high BP and was taking meds twice a day. This time my sugar has been perfect and my BP has been the same. PRAISE GOD!

Movement: With Emaline all movements felt very strong and powerful, even early on. This baby seems to flutter around and just kind of peacefully stretch. It's amazing either way. I LOVE feeling my babies move in my womb.

Weight gain: With Em I lost 6 pounds the first trimester and then gained 18 after that, or 12 pounds more than pre-pregnancy weight. At 18 weeks I was up 8 pounds...and I lost none in the beginning.

Prenatal care: Last time I saw an OB and he was great, but he spent very little time with me. I also had appointments with great frequency. This time I am seeing a MW and my appointments last an hour and are so in depth.

Birth: With Emaline I was induced and after a looooong labor I had a cesarean for "failure to progress". This time I am hoping to have a water VBAC. If things keep going like they are, I'd say I have a great chance of that happening.

As long as the end result is the same, a HEALTHY baby, I will take whatever this pregnancy has to give me, just like I did last time.