Saturday, February 12, 2011


I said a few posts ago that I met with a few new doctors and feel as if I found one. During my consultation with Dr. I, I asked a lot of questions about VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean), gestational diabetes, white coat syndrome, and other things pertaining to my health and birth(s). One thing that really stuck out to me was when Dr. I said (and I'm paraphrasing here) "People need to realize that the c-section rate is 33% in our country. This rate has gone up significantly since I've been an OB/GYN. One thing we're all afraid to say is that American have never been unhealthier than they are right now." I can only speak in my situation, but my cesarean was directly correlated with my obesity. I venture to say no one would ever say that to me, but it's the truth. I KNOW there are so many doctors out there doing random unnecesareans all the time. I know they aren't giving mothers the time or resources they need to birth their babies. I know some women are electing to have them. Birth is messy and inconvenient. There is no sure way to predict when it will happen. It's a beautiful mystery when it is allowed to unravel in it's own way. There are certainly times when a cesarean is necessary! I believe mine was. I understand why Emaline needed to be birn when she was. I thank God for the technology and efficiency of cesareans. Yet, in my case I am the one that made it necessary. My body was no longer safe for her because years prior to my even expecting her I consumed 10,000+ calories a day and got myself into a situation I couldn't get out of. I did all I could do once I knew she was coming along, but it was a little late. Damage had been done.

So when Dr. I said what no one else has had the guts to say to me before, I agreed. The way so many American's eat is appalling. The sedentary lives so many lead is frightening. I know, I've been guilty of it! In many cases it is doctors calling for too many interventions. In many scenario's women are just ready to not be pregnant anymore and ask to be induced. In no way am I blaming women for the myriad of injustices put on them by our very screwy health care system. All I'm saying is that I think there is truth in the theory that there is indeed a strong correlation between unhealthy/overweight American's and the cesarean rate in this country. In my case, this is fact.

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