Monday, December 12, 2011

The 3rd trimester!

I am now in my third trimester! In 8-13 weeks or so I will be meeting this wee one! Here is an update on how it's all going for me and baby.

How I'm feeling: Overall, pretty great. It's getting harder to bend over, shave my legs and carry Emaline for long, but no real complaints. Sleeping is also tough with a burgeoning belly, numb hands from blood supply getting cut off and having to pee all the time, but I can handle it.

Weight Gain: 14.8 pounds. Already 3 pounds more than I gained with Em! This is a good thing though. I will say it pushed me over that unmentionable number on the scale and that was hard to swallow, but hey, the kid is healthy and so am I. It'll come off. Now's not the time to worry about it. I had a thought: why worry about the number on the scale but rather concern myself with impeccable nutrition and let the numbers be what they will. So far so good!

Overall health of us: Fab. My sugar is still normal (unless I eat something a soft pretzel...ooops!) and I am so happy about that! Blood pressure is still hanging out around 112/64 which is waaaaay better than last time. Baby has a heartbeat of 144-152 beat per minute and feels normal, even though my uterus is measuring large. My MW says that's most likely because i have an anterior placenta and because this is my 2nd baby. I have another ultrasound at 34 weeks to check on things with my placenta to make sure it's not too low for a vaginal delivery. It was right on the line for being too close to my incision sight so I need ti have it checked once more. I wish I didn't need to, but I'll do what I need to do. Baby is kicking right now! Baby is also laying in a transverse position, but I'm confident he/she will turn head down in a few weeks. Em was just like this. I'm seeing a chiropractor too and that should help with positioning.

VBAC: I'm still planning for a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) and really believe that's the best decision at this time. As long as everything goes as planned I feel like this is the safest option. I've done a tremendous amount of research and feel really good about it. It's not a one size fits all decision and I think women should have access to the kind of birth they want in most scenarios...but that's another blog for another day.


I think that sums it up. I feel great and really love being pregnant. It's a miracle.


  1. I love reading about how pregnancies in my friends are so different, yet the same in so many ways!

    I have to tell you this story about VBAC...Trevor Holder was telling us about Jenni wanting to go that route and the conversation went like this:

    Trevor: Jenni wanted to have a VBAC but -
    Andrew: A what?
    Trevor: A vaginal birth after c-section. Her doctor said it was a good option...
    (meanwhile, Andrew's face got all contorted and confused-looking and I could see where his mind was going, he looked grossed out)
    Me: Wait, Trevor, hang on a second. Andrew, what do you think VBAC means?
    Andrew: Does it mean after they take the baby out via c-section, they put it back in so the mother can have it again? Why would anyone do that??

    I about died laughing!! We have a lot to learn...

  2. BWAHAHAHA!!!!! I love it! Thanks for sharing.
