Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The other night I watched Little Women (the Winona Ryder version) while I folded my laundry. I love this film so very much. I have always been fascinated with the idea of sisters. I never had one and I always wanted one. In the movie there are 4 sisters who laugh, fight, talk, and love one another fiercely. As I watched my mind wandered to me own girls,the sisters that David and I made.

When Eden was born the first words I said were: "A baby girl! Emaline has a sister! I love you sweet girl!" I did not expect to say that, it was just my reaction to learning I had just delivered another girl. Emaline seemed to know Eden was a girl from the moment I told her I was expecting again. She never once wavered on the fact that I was carrying "a girl baby". Now they are pals. It is THE SWEETEST THING. I literally find myself wiping away joyful tears as I watch my Emaline and Eden playing, laughing and loving on one another. They make each other laugh so hard and it's precious. Emmy also gets her heart broken when her sister is upset. If Eden is crying because she's hurt or upset Emaline comforts her and tries to fix whatever is wrong. She's a great big sister.

They are so much alike and so very different. I wonder; will they fight over clothes, etc. as teenagers? Will they call on each other to share their day to day activities? Will they make fun of David and I with each other? Will they keep each others secrets? Will they find that a big life step doesn't feel real without sharing the news with the other? Will they be like Holly and Heidi? I wonder. It makes me smile as I imagine my sweet baby girls turning into young ladies and knowing that they will grow up together. In my mind the names Emmy and Edy flow as if one word.

Being sisters doesn't guarantee friendship, this I know. Maybe they won't be close, who knows. Yet in my life I have seen more sisters that are best friends and confidants than not. I hope my girls will find this to be true and that they will go on to be thick as thieves as adults.

All I know is that they light up my life. And exhaust the crap out of me.

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