Thursday, October 13, 2011


Since I became pregnant with my second child people have been asking me "what I want" in terms of gender. I too have asked people this question out of sheer curiosity and because some people definitely have a strong preference. I don't. No really, I don't. I really want...either one.

It also occurred to me this time that just because I give birth to a child of one gender that doesn't mean they are going to fit into that "role". Yes, I think we all have ideas about what it means to be masculine or feminine. Therefore just because E is a girl that does not mean she will want to wear pink dresses, play drees up and hate being dirty. Or maybe she'll love all those things, who knows. My point is that just because a child is male or female does not mean they will identify with that label/role at all.

So here's what I want...

Why I REALLY want a GIRL: I never had a sister and I akways wanted one. My mom has 3 sisters and a brother and the bond between she and her sisters is remarkable and I've always been envious of that. I would love it if my sweet Emaline had a baby sister. I realize that doesn't mean she'll always get along with her. I know plenty of sisters who don't. I also love and have loved the idea of raising up strong, confident women. There aren't enough of them. In fact I'm working on that in myself. There is also the reason that I love my daughter with such passion that I can't even imagine a boy. My husband is so precious to watch with our daughter. I get all kinds of warm fuzzies watching him interact with her so tenderly. I also have a lot of feminine clothes...

Why I REALLY want a BOY: I don't have a son, and I would love to know what a boy my lover and I created together would be like. Since I don't have a sister but am not an only child, this means I have a brother. I LOVE my brother. He is 12 months and 6 days my junior and we have not always gotten along, to say the least. However I couldn't imagine my life without my baby brother and think it would be so cool for Emaline to have that. I also want a son because David wants a son. He cares. He wants a boy. With Emaline he actually wanted a girl, but this time he wants to round out his family and see his son. I also love the idea of raising a man after God's own heart. There surely aren't enough of those. I also have a perfect name picked out for him...

I am having my ultrasound in a few days and will have the opportunity to find out. I'm on the fence about knowing, but will probably find out. Mostly because the way I have planned to learn of my baby's gender might even be cooler than checking between their legs myself once he/she is born. ;)


  1. Nothing compares to the joy and excitement of peeking between the beeb's legs on the day of birth. No sign at a marathon, no ultrasound tech telling you the gender, no pink or blue cake. You know my thoughts on the ordeal... live it up, hold out a few more months and let the gender or your child be just one more thing to wow your socks off about your birth experience this time around. lovelovelove jew.

  2. Hmmmm. Not sure about what to do. The mister is DYING to know. He says he'll keep it a secret, but I don't like that idea. We shall see. ;)
