I hate jeans. There, I said it. Maybe that's not so true now, but it has usually been true in my life. When people talk about wanting to get comfortable by putting on their blue jeans I think to myself "Man, they most lead much more important lives than i do to wear such uncomfortable clothes that jeans feel good." When I want to be comfortable it's sweat all the way! My disdain for jeans is threefold. 1.) It's hard to find a good comfortable fit that are also flattering. 2.) Having been overweight for most of my life I found them to be binding and sort of miserable. 3.) I prefer dresses and skirts. I was born in the wrong time period I suppose.
I think one of my most favorite words in the English language is juxtaposition. I like the way it looks and sounds. Sort of bad ass, no?
When I was a freshman at MVNC in 2000 I experienced my first January term, otherwise known as J-term. It was MISERABLE. Cold, dreary and lonely feeling. I took a basic Psychology class that did not take much time. I was left the rest if the dark days to my own devices. Those devices usually involved eating sweets, watching movies, eating chips, trips to Kenyon, eating ice cream, visiting with friends, and eating at Hunan Garden. I vowed after that first J-term that I would get out of dodge for J-term for every other year of college. I made good on that promise and went to Italy in 2001 and Washington D.C. in 2002. Both radically different and life changing trips for me. In 2003 I stayed back at MVNU because I ahd just returned from a 4 month semester in Romania. I'm glad I was home because I lost a good friend that January and my best friend lost her mother. It was a SHITTY month, to say the least. That year that same best friend, Kelli, and I decided to dub the month of January "Helluary" because, well, January sucks. I still dislike the month in general and I feel like bad stuff usually happens during that month. Someday I will get over it.
Oh J-term...that was such a miserable month. I got hit by a car in Helluary and will forever more refer to it as that.