Breastfeeding. It ain't easy. I was HELL BENT on nursing sweet Eden. After being unable to both mentally and physically with Emaline I knew if I was ever blessed with another baby I would do things differently so I could nurse successfully. Well, my girl is all about the boob. I mean really, she loves it more than anything, and that fills my heart. Hear are a few of the reasons I love it, even if it is is hard work. (Well, not so hard anymore, but those first two weeks are tough. I'd say now it's more of a personal sacrifice rather than a hardship. A sacrifice I make gladly!
10. It's FREE!
9. Only I can give it to her.
8. It's super convenient! No bottle cleaning...hooray!
7. It helps me lose weight!
6. It's healing to my mommy heart.
5. It's the best thing for her.
4. It's a bonding experience.
3. Her "milk drunk" state after a good feeding.
2. The ease of night feedings.
1. The way her little face eases and her eyes roll back into her head as if she is in ecstasy. THIS is my favorite part. It makes me feel all tingly with love for her and it gives me a great sense of pride that I can do that for her.
I'm taking this one day at a time, and loving it.